A Requiem for Chivalry
Five poems from my upcoming book

Escape from travel
A French fountain gushing mountain water in an ancient city square
You’d think you’d find love not far from here
But you’d be surprised to find, I tell you, it is very lonely there
Just the pigeons pecking at the trash at my feet
No long-locked, long-legged, long-eyelash, freckled girl for me to meet
They say destiny, picks her winners and her losers before they breathe their first
Yet, I know I was never was guaranteed this life of mine here on earth
Alone at a fountain, where an old woman litters in her own city
Alone, and far away from anyone who will give a damn or pity
So I’ll stroll in the woods and hike in the hills
Far away from the stone-cold eyes
Too afraid to live and too young to die
Nevermore to realize
Their thread in the grand plot
Stricken conformity shaping one mass, gray lot
Paying homage to my muse just as I should
Paying penance for a life I never really understood
The Credo of a Knight Errant:
An age of conceit, just like the last
Shrouded, blinded and fooled
This time by our pixelated masks
Damned to look everywhere for the answers
Except in front of our own face
Huddled in tiny rooms
Alienated from the human race
A private corner of oblivion
With a pretty name for a place
Consigned to our own personal prisons
Floating in infinite space
The only light in the dark room of our souls
The flickering golden candle glow
One hopes against hope
Those you let in to show
Aren’t Myrmidon soldiers
There to kill the flame by blow
For it is a precious source of celestial power
Upon which you alone God bestowed
To warm and light your way
Oh so tenderly, meek and mild
Amidst a kaleidoscope whirlwind
Hues and elements clashing in the wild
So now pray
Pray like a lover, not a beggar
There, the guru points you to your knees
For rapturous devotion and egoic dissolution
For success, his advice is wise to heed
In order to supersede the terrors of the age
Of any age, the human condition
You must persevere through this mechanical war of attrition
With words like these
The bawdy masses won’t receive my verse
And, indeed, verse is perhaps already dead
Yet it is the candle flame which lights my way ahead
It is the prime mover of my love
It is the redeeming passion to the wasteland and devastation
In the minefield of my past
Pure and fragile, like a white dove
And that deserves my loving attention
As much as any mistress
And the sultry shadow she would cast
For the conversion of the particular affectations
From banality to sublime exaltations
Is as noble a battle to fight as ever was
For la boheme & his paroles d’amour
They are his only armor and sword
With which to combat Death’s bony grip
Until it all fades to darkness evermore
Bad for me:
Slamming doors and tears pitter patter
Plopping on tile floors
Sounds escape the fortress of your bedroom
You’ve barricaded yourself behind
I stand still in a grip petrified
On the other side, in the gloom
My heart sinking faster than lead
In solemn doom and dread
Trudging downstairs bewildered
Head hanging in shame
My blood swirling around the ice block of my heart
Boiling into steam with rage
Fell asleep on your couch
Not knowing what to do
Too hurt, confused and pissed
To see the manipulation or abuse
The night was supposed to be ours & ours alone
Now we’re both in scorched soul torment
Pulsating wounds, exposed
From the beginning
We set each other aflame
Like no other
Yet the flames of passion around our hearts
Made them too hot to the touch
We bring each other to new ecstatic heights but the fall crashes into dust
Around you, I feel crippled without a crutch
When we’re not making love
A conversation is like holding fog in my clutch
One scorcher of a summer
Like the planet of our future
A relationship filled with desire and disgust
Contrast moments of quiet bliss by the lake
Swinging softly in the hammock
Dozing tenderly in each other’s arms
So happy we can hardly stand it
Yet like any teen thrill ride
We’re bound to plummet once we summit
You hunt my weaknesses like a bloodhound
Bounding straight towards your prey
As if a trail of blood leads you
Leads you clear as day
I feel the crushing shame crack my mask
Knowing I’ll sink and drown
Kicking down with it because secretly, I love it
Pretending I’m on dry, safe ground
Actually unmoored and adrift at sea
Paralyzed by the storm inbound
Yet still, you intoxicate me
I’m the beach
You are the waves
On which they pound
A Fallen Angels Soliloquy:
Angel on my shoulder
Devil in my saddle
Purgatory on my mind
Gray fog hanging over
The bog of my psyche
Patron spirit of polarity
The sun’s rays melt
The layers of miasma
Burning off the weight of confusion
Fire dancing
Like a little girl’s feet on pavement
Needless to say, trapped by delusion
I am filled with purpose
Filled with a unifying mandate
To spread love, peace and sanctity
I only wish for completeness
For myself, and for others
Yet the contempt and impurities
Within my heart
Cannot be contained
I am not only the light
My heart is full of darkness too
Shadows at noon, dark side of the Moon
Rampant, electric tendrils of power
Seeking expression, needed for use
But what for and how to control it?
I deign not seek the answer
Should the candles of finitude
Be thrown into the bonfires of infinity
They hardly light the way
Are of no practical use
And prone to being blown out
So they refuse the definition of the ultimate
And thus are tossed into the great fire
Saving the World and Forgetting to Love:
In our race to save the planet
The demagogues of salvation have forgotten their prime mover
Moments of unhurried tenderness
Among loved ones, truly precious to us
As they harangue and scold
Installing intellectual judges in our hearts
Scouring us with vehement guilt
Simultaneously smothering the capacity for forgiveness
If you forgive, you grow in love
If you grow in love, you love greater
Greater in capacity, competency, and expansive empathy
Indeed, life’s garden abounds in bloom
And your cup runneth over
Just so, it is eminently natural
When one improves in love for oneself
And what you inhabit around you
With all you can
There you have it
For what’s a world saved, without love ?