5 Poems from my new book: A Requiem for Chivalry
'Chivalry fell on his sword' - Hozier

Stultified suburbia
The fresh embrace of the vast expanse of a Walmart parking lot
Dotted with bobbing heads of women, whose hair are a testament to the power of hairspray and momentum
Oh, suburbia the beautiful; your myriad peccadilloes, problems and Philistinism is a fossilized treasure trove of late stage capitalism
The tremendous and titanic amount of microwave pizzas bought and sold will never fill the holes in the hearts of the families without love
You cannot escape the burden of relational distress by earning more points at Sam’s Club
Yet every day hundreds of millions try; to out spend and out earn the stultified calluses of scar tissue on their insides
Fleeting moments, bleed one grain at a time
Dropping one by one into the yawning chasm of the rippling void
With bulbous and pendulous blubber, stuffed into taught clothing, promised to appear thin
Doing it’s darndest to hold back the bilious folds of fatty neglect
Psychological scarring made clearly manifest, proffered as a lifestyle choice
In reality, merely the many missed opportunities for love and respect
Yet this is the Paradise our ancestors sought
Or so that thought has marched on for millennia
Hurly-burly embedded, unending, progress; take paradise and put up a parking lot
A generation or two and ensconced in a torrid rush towards oblivion
Living life in the interim between cradle and the big shopping center in the sky
How can we see where we’re going if we’ve leveled all the topography in sight?
No vantage point to see what lies behind and afore, the ashes of choices multiplied
Mistakes with interest accruing
Interest, good after bad, because it is
Makes my life less interesting when purgatory is what I already inhabit
Continents of crisis meet icebergs of shame
Forest fires of feeling, distorted by sordid winds of fearful blame
Originality transplanted to the terse recesses of consciousness
Cramping any genuine expression into packaging; taped, cheap and plain
Adventure, torch in hand, pack on back - into these forbidden wild domains
Search as an archaeologist with love, care and patience for the dazzling ancient remains
Discover your own lost cities, cultures and calligraphy
Decipher the Rosetta Stone of your soul
Push deeper into the caverns of your psyche for the princely treasure promised in store
Dust off the artifacts of your spirit
Holding them to the light, beholding them anew
Understand, treasure and embrace; the rediscovered you
She looms
From cradle to tomb
Both angelic & demonic, mundane & melancholic
Ever to be seen flitting around corners
Glimpsed just in fleeting shadows
Constantly there, but never here
You can feel her, know her, yet never meet her
And you spend your whole life waiting for that day
Never would you wish her away
But damned if she’s not a gift and a curse
To follow you solemnly like the congregation behind a hearse
Collecting fragments of her in each woman you meet
Taking the lessons of love back to the lonely vault in your stony keep
For examination, extrication and catalog
The wisemen sees the folly and names it
Yet cannot escape it, and partakes in it
And she sits with God beyond the veil
Watching you ramble about this madhouse
Your eternal search doomed to fail
Only in the pure maiden will she manifest
Noble in spirit, mind, body and soul
And only when you are just the same
Will you recognize her, appreciate, and know her
Only through your own trials by fire, will you be rendered pure
Attend to them with alacrity, if you would have your destiny in your hand
Before the last fall, of the final grain of sand
Liberal Arts Confidence
You and all your friends, working on degrees
So much debt accruing, contemplating sugar daddies
Spring break on the beach
Winter time in the classroom
When you’re too hung over
A bun and some sweats is all you can be asked for
Another night out, searching for prince charming
But you’re sleeping in, while he’s rising
Ships in the night, ever passing
But you learn in the lecture halls
That you never needed him anyway
So why worry about it
Just vestiges of oppression
A tale as old as time
Yet, when you slapped the bag
Imbibed too much wine
And the DJ plays a whin’ and grind
Why is it that you find
That you yearn so much for that boy
Who made you feel that special way last time
He’s off at some another school
The connection’s long dead
And it’ll be pointless now, so late, to call him
But by the end of the night
You’re waiting for that Disney happy ending
Your girls can see it in your eyes
They catch you with his contact open on your phone
They put you back on your hot girl shit
You can’t be trusted alone
You need a shot girl, get your ass on the dance floor
Grinding and twerking; it’s good for the soul
And you see they’re right, men ain’t shit, of course, so silly - you forgot
Of course, so silly
You have a great GPA, a summer internship in the city
You’re a boss bitch in training, flex, how could you not?
Your women’s studies prof would no doubt, feel pity
With her tall heels, dark lipstick and bangs
She’s got everything together, on top of being pretty
She says men earn a dollar to your $.70, dead serious
Up at the podium, she dismantles the patriarchy with ease
Her words lift the yolk that’s been in place for millennia
Without which you’d float to the ceiling
Provided it’s not made of glass, of course
Propelled by the hot steam of all the injustice
These insensitive, privileged, men don’t deserve you honey
You know that she’s right, in your head you agree
But damn, that hunk of plastic don’t do it like they do, honestly
When the tequila hits and the moon comes calling
You want a man and you know you’re all in
Your body unfreezes in parts you didn’t know could thaw
The boundaries are blurred
He’s in you and you in him
It lasts only as long as the booze
But you’re both equals then
So bizarre now, it’s not even a question
But when the dawn breaks
It’s back to the war of attrition
Daylight, back in the ranks with your sisters
And he’s out of your bed
Back to the vicious battles of reputation
But last night’s not yet out of your head
Yet, the mask must go on, as must the show
The gloves must come off
There’s an age old war to win
Sisters to avenge
No time to be lost
So tuck your heart away
And be out front at the next rally
Chanting hey hey
Study the books
So you’ll know just what to say
Next time a man offers you his heart
You’ll utter with certainty, free of shame
No way
Perdition: noun
• loss of Soul, eternal damnation
• utter ruin
The sense that your soul has been vacuumed away
Le petite mort
Elevated to a new plane of depravity
The molten, oozing core of a gilded age
Spilling out and seeping
With my seed on the floor
The panting mimicry of the genuine article
So sincere at the simulacrum of crescendo
One’s soul, life on my hands, bloody and raw
As the same source sucked into the pit of pleasure
Perversity and sin ripple under my skin
Soaking my soul in an oily film
Poison pumping through my veins
Stultifying my saintly will
The shiniest toy yet
A bright new object
A fitting souvenir
For a perusing spirit
A lovely windmill
For a gallant
Knight errant
The sense of perdition
I wear like a cloak
Tattooed to my body with staples
Accepting the mire for what it is
Who I am, and what I am capable
Does god see my handiwork
Or does the void stair back?
Seen but not heard
Heard, but not seen
Felt, ignored, felt yet again
The chasm and the little voice
All is confusion
Swirling dance of sand
Castanets echo off canyon walls
A pervading atmosphere of doom
The road to perdition
Sweet tasting and perfumed
Thank you for reading. If you're interested, I am looking for serious commentators for another round of edits. Please find me on social media or OtherLife if you would like to lend a much appreciated hand.
The book is 117 pgs. with 57 poems of similar ilk.